A regular credit card will enable you to make reasonable purchases in your daily life. Among all the most popular features of credit cards, some distinction can be made for cashback rewards, enabling you to get paid back in real money for part of your purchases. Several credit cards are leading the competition in 2024 for their far-reaching cashback rewards and, accordingly, are ideal for American shoppers to save money as much as possible. The following are some of the best 5 credit cards of this year for cashback rewards:
Freedom FlexTM Chase Card
Those who seek flexibility in rewards for cashback should opt for the Chase Freedom FlexTM card. The categories make it exceptionally easy to pick up focuses on things you purchase most habitually; they may incorporate essential investing zones like nourishment, travel, and foodstuffs. You seem get 1% on all other exchanges, 3% on eating and drug store costs, and 5% on travel booked with Chase Extreme Rewards. The card has no yearly expense, which makes it great as an ordinary card.
Citi Twofold Cash Card
The no-brainer in the cashback promote is the Citi® Double Cash Card, further considering its super easy-to-use rewards program: you get 2% cashback on every purchase-1% when you buy something and another 1% when you pay back your debt. With no categories to follow or maximum cashback sums one can win, this card is ideal for those needing reliable rewards on each and every transaction that posts. There’s no annual fee associated with this card, making it a bit more accessible for long-term use.
Discover it® Cash Back
Discover it® Cash Back claims to be one of the top rewards cards around. Customers will find 5% cashback in various quarterly rotating reward categories, such as at gas stations, grocery stores, restaurants, and Amazon.com, on up to $1,500 in combined purchases. All other purchases receive a reward rate of 1%. Matching rewards can truly unlock this benefit, especially within the first year of membership.
American Express Blue Cash Preferred® Card
For families or for legitimate basic supply customers, the American Express Blue Cash Preferred® Card is going to be a great cashback reward. You’ll earn up to $6,000 in cashback on purchases made at US general stores each year, plus 6% cashback on a few US streaming memberships. Although this card charges a $95 annual fee, if you make major purchases in those categories, the high cashback rates can quickly pay for it.
The Mercury Cash Rewards Credit Card by Capital One
Those who like to keep things simple should look at The Mercury Cash Rewards Credit Card by Capital One. You get an ongoing 1.5% reward for all purchases with this credit card, with no limits to spending or rotating categories. On top of the fact that there are no annual fees charged, the card has a $200 cash bonus accrued anytime you spend $500 on purchases within three months of activation. This is an excellent choice for regular spending since it’s pretty easy to use and has a huge welcome bonus.
The good thing is, all these credit cards will extend support to help you acquire excellent rewards in cashback to save on your regular expenditure. Be it rotating category cards, flat-rate cashback cards, or broad rewards cards that boast of specific spending categories, the one that suits your needs is available in this list. You can maximize your 2024 spending with the perfect card.
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